Traditional Scottish Shortbread


Shortbread is a favourite of all seasons and a traditional Scottish staple. It is an easy-to-make treat for all the family. Make it a treat for Valentine's Day, Christmas, or even a little afternoon meet-up with friends and family!

Makes 25 Pieces | Preparation Time 35 minutes | Cooking Time 19 minutes | Total Time 54 minutes 





170 g Stork Margarine
85 g Icing Sugar
170 g Plain Flour
85 g Cornflour







  1. Preheat your oven to 160°C.
  2. Place all ingredients into a large mixing bowl/mixer and mix until blended.
  3. Once mixed, place into the fridge and chill for around 20 minutes.
  4. Once chilled, remove from the fridge and roll out onto a lightly floured surface until roughly 1cm thick and cut to size with a cutter.
  5. Bake at 160°C for roughly 19 minutes or until lightly coloured
  6. Remove from oven and place on wire rack.
  7. Finish off with a sprinkle of sugar or decorate with royal icing.


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